MOF support businesses in promoting trading

MOF support businesses in promoting trading 06/07/2011 09:15:00 755

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Finance Deputy Minister Tran Van Hieu  signed the Circular 88/2011/TT-BTC guiding the finance mechanism to implement the program “Promoting National Trading to Support Businesses” funded by State Budget.


It is stated in the Circular that since August 1st 2011, there will be a national budget for supporting a program to promote trading with export orientation. This expenditure comes from the annual national budget for promoting Trade - Investment - Tourism. The details are: the maximum financial support is 700.000 VND per business (70% expenses) for purchasing materials, investigating, surveying and analyzing the information to give the business a chance to better understand the target market, build the databases for different export markets by goods sector. There will also be national budget for 70% of the cost to promote the image of goods sector. 100% expense on organizing group business trips abroad is also funded (but within the limit of 40 million VND per business). In addition, the businesses can require 100% expense on their current effective activities to expand their export market (within the limitation of 200 million VND per business). 


Besides, the national budget for promoting Trade - Investment - Tourism is also used to fund the program to promote domestic trade. That means 50% expense will be paid to each business if they join the consuming products, agricultural materials and machines trade fairs and product launches in different localities with the maximum amount of 6 million VND. 

Since August 1st as well, together with the support for the program to promote trading with export orientation and promote domestic markets, there will be state budget for the program to promote trade in mountainous, border and island areas. This will be used to organize the domestic products sales (each sale will be funded with no more than 100 million VND)

