Circular No.172/2016/TT-BTC License fee for foreign contractor in construction activities regulated

Circular No.172/2016/TT-BTC License fee for foreign contractor in construction activities regulated 21/11/2016 02:11:00 1256

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License fee for foreign contractor in construction activities regulated

The Ministry of Finance has issued Circular No.172/2016/TT-BTC on the collection, collection mechanism, and fee for granting license for construction activities.

Accordingly, organizations, individuals and foreign contractors licensed with construction certificates have to pay fees.

An organization has to pay VND1 million as fee to get the first-time construction certificate while the rate for an individual is VND300,000 per one.

For a renewed, revised or extended certificate, the rate is equal to 50% of the fee mentioned above.

License fee for granting a construction certificate for a foreign contractor is VND2 million per one.  

The Circular will come into effect since January 1, 2017.

Source: VGP