Circular 37/2017/TT-BTC modifying Circular 39/2014-TT/BTC concerning invoices issued for the sale of goods and provision of services

Circular 37/2017/TT-BTC modifying Circular 39/2014-TT/BTC concerning invoices issued for the sale of goods and provision of services 29/06/2017 03:10:00 1510

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On 27 April 2017, the Ministry of finance (“MOF”) released Circular 37/2017/TT-BTC modifying Circular 39/2014-TT/BTC concerning invoices issued for the sale of goods and provision of services.

In this Circular, MOF states that any company established after the effective date of this Circular, has a charter capital of below VND 15 billion, and is a manufacturer or service provider that purchases fixed assets, machinery, and equipment worth VND 1 billion or more according to corresponding sale invoices, may print its own invoices to sales of goods or services when the notice of invoice publication is made.

This is subject to the condition that a written request for permission to use self-printed invoices has been granted by a supervisory tax authority. Within 2 working days (current regulation stipulates 5 working days) from the receipt of the written request for permission, the supervisory tax authority must provide written conditions for using self-printed invoices.

Within 2 working days (current regulation stipulates that 5 working days), if the supervisory tax authority does not make a written response, the enterprise may use self-printed invoices. The head of the tax authority is responsible for the unavailability of written response.

This Circular takes effect from 12 June 2017.