Ministry of Finance encourages the socialization of public services in eligible fields

Ministry of Finance encourages the socialization of public services in eligible fields 29/12/2023 11:00:00 307

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The Ministry of Finance promotes the implementation of socialization of public services in eligible fields as the Government's direction in Notice No. 489/TB-VPCP concluding the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee at its Friday meeting on November 14, 2023. According to the Government's assessment, in recent times, administrative procedure reform and improvement of the investment and business environment have been promoted.

From 2021 until now, nearly 2,500 business regulations have been reduced and simplified. Ministries have reduced and simplified 437 administrative procedures related to citizenship documents; 21/22 ministries and 61/63 localities have announced the list of internal administrative procedures.

The Government has reported to the National Assembly and the Politburo on 02 resolutions related to the application of global minimum tax and investment support policies in the field of high technology to create a favorable investment environment for investors, especially large investors, and investors in the high-tech field.

However, the Government believes that there are still some shortcomings and limitations such as awareness of the importance, pervasiveness, and effectiveness of administrative reform by the heads of some agencies, units, and localities is still limited.

The Government assesses that the outstanding situation of documents detailing and implementing laws and ordinances has not been thoroughly resolved; Reforming administrative procedures still has many challenges and procedures are cumbersome; The announcement and publicity are still slow and not strict. The implementation of the plan to simplify administrative procedures is still very slow; The simplification of regulations related to business activities and internal administrative procedures has not met requirements; Providing online public services in some places is still formal and not convenient...;

Besides, the arrangement and reorganization of the organizational structure in some places is still mechanical and the operational efficiency is not high; Administrative discipline is not strict; There is still a situation where civil servants avoid or shift responsibility in handling work or cause trouble, harassment, and negativity when resolving administrative procedures for people and enterprises…

The Government directs ministries, branches, and localities to promote the comprehensive and synchronous implementation of 6 contents of administrative reform (institutional reform, administrative procedure reform, administrative government structure organizational reform, civil service reform, public finance reform, building and developing e-government, digital Government); Increase resources at the grassroots level to create breakthroughs.

Ministries, branches, and central agencies focus on management, promoting decentralization of level and decentralization of power to lower levels along with allocating resources, improving enforcement capacity strengthening supervision and inspection; and minimizing unnecessary administrative procedures.

The Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee requests the Ministry of Home Affairs: To maintain the important role of the standing agency of administrative reform, continue to research and propose new, creative, and groundbreaking measures and solutions to organize the implementation of the State Administrative Reform Program for the period 2021 - 2030 in a comprehensive, synchronous, focused, key, in-depth, practical and effective manner.

The Government Office reviews, inspects, and urges ministries and localities to complete administrative procedure reform tasks in 2023 according to issued plans. Synthesize, monitor, and help the Prime Minister's Administrative Procedures Reform Working Group direct and urge ministries, branches, and localities to review, reduce, and simplify administrative procedures and business regulations according to the program, the plan has been assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister.

The Ministry of Finance coordinates with ministries and branches to perfect mechanisms, policies, and laws to promote the autonomy of public service units and encourage the socialization of public services in qualified fields.

In the first 11 months of 2023, the Ministry of Finance issued 12 decisions announcing amendments, supplements, and replacements of 21 administrative procedures; abolished 33 administrative procedures, and promulgated 03 new administrative procedures in the fields of tax, customs, corporate finance, public asset management, and price. As of November 30, 2023, the total number of online public services under the management of the Ministry of Finance is 774, of which: 378 are full public services, 116 partial public services, and 280 information services for organizations and individuals. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance has completed connecting and integrating 284 online public services on the National Public Service Portal. The One-Stop Department of the Ministry of Finance continues to operate stably and effectively. From January 1, 2023, to November 30, 2023, 1,261 documents have been received, of which 869 documents have been returned and 392 documents are being processed within the deadline.

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