Inspection and issuance fees of permit or documents allowing foreign organizations, individuals to conduct scientific research in Vietnamese sea waters

Inspection and issuance fees of permit or documents allowing foreign organizations, individuals to conduct scientific research in Vietnamese sea waters 10/04/2024 02:22:00 1246

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On February 5th 2024, Ministry of Finance issued the Circular No. 07/2024/TT-BTC on inspection and issuance fees of permit or documents allowing foreign organizations and individuals to conduct scientific research in Vietnamese sea waters and collection, submission thereof.

Accordingly, the Circular 07/2024/TT-BTC specifically stipulates as follows:

  1. The Collection of inspection and issuance fees of permit or documents allowing foreign organizations and individuals to conduct scientific research in Vietnamese sea waters is implemented as follows:
  • Scientific research activities that take place outside of Vietnamese internal waters, territorial waters and do not include scientific: 4.000 thousand VND/instance of inspection;
  • Scientific research activities that take place within of Vietnamese internal waters, territorial waters and do not include scientific: 5.300 thousand VND/instance of inspection;
  • Scientific research activities include ocean drilling: 6.000 thousand VND/instance of inspection.
  1. Fee collectors shall submit the fees in their entirety to the state budget under subsection 2632 of the applicable state budget.

This Circular comes into force from March 21, 2024 and replaces Circular No. 79/2018/TT-BTC dated August 22, 2018 of the Minister of Finance on inspection and issuance fees of permit or documents allowing foreign organizations and individuals to conduct scientific research in Vietnamese sea waters and collection, submission thereof.

Phương Thanh

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